Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Elliott Smith Film Heaven Adores You Soundtrack Coming Soon, Features Unreleased Music

Elliott Smith Film Heaven Adores You Soundtrack Coming Soon, Features Unreleased Music

Heaven Adores Youthe documentary film about the late Elliott Smith, featured a bunch of previously unreleased Smith music. Some of that music will make its way onto the film's soundtrack, which is coming later this year. Film producer (and Smith friend) Kevin Moyer has shared a statement about the soundtrack's progress.

Moyer writes:

Right now my track list is 20 Elliott songs from the film with only around four or five having been previously released. I spent a lot of time on the song selection and sequence order so that it is hopefully a balance between rough and polished works, early and late career compositions, instrumental and vocals both, and trying to make sure that we showed his evolution as an artist too, but also retaining the story that the film presents as well as making sure that the soundtrack has a good flow and is an enjoyable listen. 

For example, the first two songs / the first five minutes of soundtrack are instrumental, they are young tracks, so I think they work there chronologically - both with real life and also the order that they are used and heard in movie - but I think it also symbolically represents the world that we live in now too... a world of music where Elliott's voice is missing, and that is really fucking sad. So hopefully we can keep him and his memory alive through the movie and of course his music too with this soundtrack release. We are still finishing it all up, but I know that the label plans to make an announcement in the upcoming weeks that will reveal the release date and also the full track list too.

Watch the film's trailer and a clip below. Read an exploration of the music in the film here.

Revisit our oral history on Elliott Smith.

from Latest News - Pitchfork

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